Emaar Libya Holding Company Signs an Investment Contract with The Ministry of Agriculture of The Libyan Government Under the Supervision of The Deputy Prime Minister.

Mr. Abdulhamid Musa Awad, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Emaar Libya Holding Company, signs a 30-year investment contract with Engineer Younes Salem Bouhassan, Minister of Agriculture and Animal Wealth in the Libyan government, under the supervision of His Excellency Mr. Ali Al-Qattarani, Deputy Prime Minister. This falls within the framework of enhancing food security and contributing to the country’s economic growth by providing sustainable and diverse supplies of dairy products, poultry, and eggs to meet the needs of the Libyan people. We are committed to implementing best practices in herd management, animal nutrition, and veterinary care. We are determined to produce high-quality dairy, poultry, and egg products to meet the growing demand of the Libyan market.

Hand in hand for the rebuilding of Libya…

Emaar Libya Holding Company